
Write Unique Articles For Getting Google Traffic

Google is the chief source of traffic coming to any website. In some cases it provides about 90% of traffic to websites. If you are not getting enough traffic from Google it may be due to several reasons. Perhaps your website does not have sufficient unique content. There are thousands and thousands of websites on internet. You website has to compete and outperform all those websites for coming at first place in Google search result.Almost half of the websites are nothing but a dump yard of scrapped articles and images. Google has very intelligent search algorithm.It can easily find out which sites are genuine and which one are scrapper sites. Your website or blog is not getting high rank in search results probably due to presence of duplicate content. Google search bot has indexed billions of web pages. It has ranked those pages on the basis of their content. A new web page will get a higher rank only if it has better content than the previously ranked pages. This can be done by writing unique content.

What is unique content? Is it something from Mars? Any content which is different of all available content is unique.For example,your finger prints are unique because they are different from others. Unique content means fresh content be it text video or images. Google hates stale content just as you hate stale food.Your readers will love your blog if they find refreshing content. Most of them are regular readers of blogs. They will think negatively about your blog if they will find stolen ideas or content. Give them reasons for loving and visiting our blog again and again. Think out of the box. Innovate creative ideas. Find out solutions of current problems. Connect with your readers and fellow bloggers. Read books about what you blog. Do all these things and your mind will get unique content. You will find that you can write great articles without peeping on others' blogs. This will boost your morale. And when Google will revisit your blog it will find fresh and completely new articles.It will index them all

Also your readers will prefer your blog over other rival blogs when they will find that your blog has more updated and more relevant information. More people will subscribe to your blog ensuring steady flow of traffic. In the end your blog will get regular traffic from Google whenever someone searches for such  relevant information.

Remember content is king on internet. Only unique content can be the king because duplicate content is only meant for dump yard.