Nothing stays private once it becomes online, even if it is secured with passwords or things like that. In this article I am discussing about online privacy and how to avoid making your private like public.
You should not do anything online which you would not like to do in open. If you think that Internet or world wide web is a closed dark room and you can do anything, say anything and nobody will see or hear, then you do not about it. You are not better than that ostrich which buries its head in sand and thinks that nobody is watching her. Your actions can not escape from being watched, stored and archived even if you delete browsing history from your computer, delete all cookies and caches, use maximum level of privacy settings in social networking and other sites and do other such tricks.
Let's start with the emperor of the Internet- Google. You are using Google search, Gmail, Youtube, Google Plus and so many other services offered by it for free. Google knows a lot of things about you. It knows about you more than your parents do. It not only knows about your friend, colleagues, education, job, taste of music etc. but also those things which you would never like to tell anybody. This company, whose unofficial motto is 'do't be evil', has accumulated so much information about mankind that even governments look dwarf. It has more information about any person, company or organization than CIA, Mossad, ISI or any other such intelligence agencies. People are using it because it is useful, free, trustworthy (to a large extent), and better than others. But what would have if all these information gets in wrong hands (or who knows what they are doing with it at present). [ I know (different online media suggest) Google uses our information for providing better services. ]
Similarly, Facebook has compiled a lot of public and private information about its billion plus users. Google knows us through our IP addresses (if your not on G +). But Facebook knows our name, parents, siblings, partners, eating habits, likes, dislikes and so on.
Almost every website that you use stores some data about you. When you use these websites you surrender your privacy. If you are too scared of losing your privacy stop using any website or app. But it will mean going back to cave age. You can not avoid using the Internet. You need it everyday in one or other. Eric Schmidt has rightly stated- "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
This statement is very clear and hence needs no elaboration. Think twice before posting private information like your name, date of birth, family details, political views, medical history or your extremely private information. The big brother is watching you all the time. The Orwellian world is gradually becoming a reality. You can not escape it. If do no want to angry the Big Brother then do not do those things which annoy him.
You should not do anything online which you would not like to do in open. If you think that Internet or world wide web is a closed dark room and you can do anything, say anything and nobody will see or hear, then you do not about it. You are not better than that ostrich which buries its head in sand and thinks that nobody is watching her. Your actions can not escape from being watched, stored and archived even if you delete browsing history from your computer, delete all cookies and caches, use maximum level of privacy settings in social networking and other sites and do other such tricks.
Let's start with the emperor of the Internet- Google. You are using Google search, Gmail, Youtube, Google Plus and so many other services offered by it for free. Google knows a lot of things about you. It knows about you more than your parents do. It not only knows about your friend, colleagues, education, job, taste of music etc. but also those things which you would never like to tell anybody. This company, whose unofficial motto is 'do't be evil', has accumulated so much information about mankind that even governments look dwarf. It has more information about any person, company or organization than CIA, Mossad, ISI or any other such intelligence agencies. People are using it because it is useful, free, trustworthy (to a large extent), and better than others. But what would have if all these information gets in wrong hands (or who knows what they are doing with it at present). [ I know (different online media suggest) Google uses our information for providing better services. ]
Similarly, Facebook has compiled a lot of public and private information about its billion plus users. Google knows us through our IP addresses (if your not on G +). But Facebook knows our name, parents, siblings, partners, eating habits, likes, dislikes and so on.
Almost every website that you use stores some data about you. When you use these websites you surrender your privacy. If you are too scared of losing your privacy stop using any website or app. But it will mean going back to cave age. You can not avoid using the Internet. You need it everyday in one or other. Eric Schmidt has rightly stated- "If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place."
This statement is very clear and hence needs no elaboration. Think twice before posting private information like your name, date of birth, family details, political views, medical history or your extremely private information. The big brother is watching you all the time. The Orwellian world is gradually becoming a reality. You can not escape it. If do no want to angry the Big Brother then do not do those things which annoy him.