In this article you will get more than 51 tips for making your computer and internet experience awesome.
1. Use only latest and licensed software.
2. Install a well-know anti-virus software.
3. Scan your computer regularly.
4. Use long, hard-to-guess secure passwords, combining numbers, alphabets and symbols.
5. Do not write the passwords anywhere, memorize them.
6. Always use your computer through a limited account rather than administrator account.
7. Backup your computer regularly, both offline and online.
8. Do not download anything from unknown sites.
9. Do not visit unknown websites because they may contain viruses and spywares.
10. Uninstall those software which are no more used.
11. Delete or transfer (to an external media, say external hard disk) those files which are no more used.
12. Delete those email accounts which are not in use.
13. Delete your profiles from those social networking sites which are not used
14. Keep your computer room neat and clean.
15. Do not allow others to access your computer at home or office.
16. Update all the software on a regular basis.
17. Avoid using unsecured wi-fi networks at airports or coffee houses.
18. Encrypt every important and confidential files.
19. Keep data on your computer well organized.
20. Always use your computer from some distance and avoid continued use.
21. Change the passwords on a regular basis.
22. Use a good quality firewall and enable maximum security level.
23. Never click on links in email sent by unknown person.
24. Always type the url in address bar when you want to use online banking.
25. Never post your personal information on websites.
26. Scan all external medias like USB sticks, CD and DVDs before plugging into your computer.
27. Never download exe. files sent in you email, even if they from trusted people.
28. Beware of scam sites which promise high returns for less or no investment.
29. Do change the SSID of your wireless router for avoiding unauthorized access.
30. Keep all the external storage devices at a safe place to avoid theft or damage due to fire, water, dust or others.
31. Always remember to lock your computer room when you are going out for long time.
32. Shut down and unplug the power cord when you are not using it.
33. Do not shop from lesser known online shopping sites.
34. Do not shop from those e-commerce sites which do not SSL Certificate.
35. Do not download something only because they are free, they may be dangerous.
36. Always shut down your computer properly.
37. Always remove flash drives safely.
38. Never spill anything on the keyboard.
39. If you have poor memory, then write all your passwords and usernames on a paper and keep it at safe place.
40. Do not experiment with your computer and internet if you are not an expert.
41. Delete the browser history regularly.
42. Delete all temp files daily.
43. Take service of only authorized service person for troubleshooting your computer.
44. Don't bang on your keyboard, type gently.
45. Always prefer using your computer from a table.
46. Keep rodents away, they may damage the cables.
47. Never sell your old computers, they contain a lot of data and those data can be recovered even if you format the hard disk. Instead destroy and burn it to ashes.
48. Never click on popup menus, they generally contain spywares.
49. Always remember to disconnect from the Internet when it is not used.
50. Beware of phishing attempts.
51. Do not do anything which is not necessary, stay vigilant and maintain your computer properly.
Do you have some more tips for computer and internet? Please do share here.