
Why Technology Niche Blogging is Popular

Today's blogging gurus started blogging in early 2000s. Most of them had background in technology so they wrote about it.When they started, they had no intention of making money. Most of them did it as part of hobby rather than a profession. As time passed. their blogs started attracting more readers. With the advent of AdSense, these bloggers got a means to monetize the traffic on their blog.( Earlier some of them were making money  through affiliate marketing and email marketing.) By 2005-2006, some the most popular bloggers were earning thousands of dollars from their blogs. This is the same time when second blogging revolution happend. (First one : when the original bloggers started.) New breed of bloggers jumped into blogging. Most of them where employed with large multinational corporations. They were already earning in six figures. But they wanted to "enjoy" life and live it on their own terms like the veteran bloggers. And they also chose technology niche. 

Third blogging revolution happend in 2009-2010.Studnets from countries like India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia , are blogging (most of them are actually doing cut-copy-paste) about nothing, but technology. It seems half of the bloggers are PhD holders in technology. I have noticed that most of the debuting bloggers select this niche even if they do not have a background in technology. A blogger whose page is not showing in Google search, will teach you how to get better rank in Google search. Similarly a person who is still using Windows XP 2003,will teach you how to troubleshoot Windows 8.There are hundreds of bloggers who give you tips about iPhone 4S even if they have never seen any iPhone in their life.

It is clear that such new breed of technology bloggers are copy pasters or plagiarists. They are blogging for making money. Their fantacies of earning thousands of dollars per month id fueled by seeing the success of original bloggers. Such bloggers think that they can smart Google search engine and get handsome traffic. Some of these "technology" bloggers are smart in spinning the original articles and writing strange titles.

Technology is a field of advanced knowledge.Those who have knowledge should share. Those, who don't have knowledge should sit in silent mode or say what they actually know.Afterall, it is very old saying that honesty is best policy. If you don't have background in technology, you can write about politics, health and fitness, cooking or any other topic of your interest and knowledge.