Submitting articles to article submission directory websites is a very good method for increasing your blog's traffic. There are thousands of article submission directories but you should sumit your articles on only those which have high Google PageRank and high Alexa Rank.
I have listed 25 best Article Directory websites where you can submit your articles. These websites are very popular. On some websites you can publish instanly while on others your articles are reviewed before being published. All these websites are free. Write a long, original article. Make different varients of it by changing the wordings and submit. I will advice you to submit to fewer number of article directories, which are more reputed. Prefer submitting original, unique and time less articles. Such articles will be perennial source of traffic on your blog.
- Technorati
- eHow
- Ezine Articles
- Articles Base
- The Free Library
- Squidoo
- HubPages
- Seeking Alpha
- Bright Hub
- Buzzle.Com
- Article Alley
- SooperArticles
- Bukisa
- Triond
- Article Dashboard
- Article City
- Isnare Articles
- SearchWarp
- Article Blast
- Article Trader
- Article Slash
Your blog will get tons of traffic after submitting on these directories. Link the best written articles on your blog in the submitted articles. Try to write honestly. Do not think that you are writting for someone else. You are helpiung your blog by submit articles.