Many bloggers are not able to achieve what they deserve simply because they waste too much time on nosense things. They waste time on checking the number of visitors, their Alexa rank, redesigning the theme frequently, link building, worrying about AdSense etc. This is true for especially newer bloggers.
They do not realise that their main work is to create quality content. Their is little merit in cheching the number of visitor or blog rank. Instead of doing such non-productive things they should read new books or blogs related to their niche of blogging for enhancing their knowledge. They should reply to their readers' comments. They should leave comments on blogs related to their niche for building relationship.
When you do not anything to post, read or do productive for your blog, take rest. Their is no need of wasting time, getting tired and destroying your health on nonsense things. Shut down your computer and do other important works. Sleep, play or watch tv or read some books. You can make your blog successful even by giving 2 to 3 hours daily. And it won't be successful even after giving 10 to 15 hours daily to it. If you are putting in productive things in it then it will be loved by the readers, search engines and you will be able to earn a lot of money from it.
If you want to be a professional blogger then you should treat blogging professionally. You should schedule the number of hours for it. You should frame some concrete rules for controlling your conduct. In this case you are the law maker, the executive and the judge. Make a list of do's and don'ts. Follow these self-made rules religiously. If you follow these rules you will feel much better. You will be able to use your time in most reasonale manner.