Can any Tom, Dick, Harry make money from blogging. No. It is not possible for everyone. Blogging looks very simple from above. But when you start this journey you realise that it requirese a lot of technical know-how, patience, family support, hard work, poor health and so many other things. There are hundreds of bloggers who claim that they are earning lakhs of rupees per month. New guys are attracted towards blogging when they see these claims of so called blogging gurus. They are never told that what are the requirements for becoming a successful blogger. Only God knows the reality of those high-earning bloggers.
Youth of today wants instant cash. They are ready for doing anything for that. Increasing number of students in India are getting access to personal computers and fast internet connection. When they have nothing to do they wonder what to do. Then they decide to buy a domain name, a webhosting account, install wordpress and start blogging. Some of them write original articles while most of them steal content from high-traffic blogs and websites.
Despite continued efforts for 3 to 4 weeks, their blog shows now sign of getting traffic. Day by day, their enthusiams fades away. They see their dream of getting thousand dollar cheque from Adsense fading away. After wasting a lot of invaluble time of their life they quite. Their blog becomes idle.
There are more than 200 millions of blogs and almost 99 percent are spam or idle. It is very easy, almost a child's play to start a blog but the road ahead is not less than any herculean task. A blogger is like a mixture of a writer, internet expert, marketeer, preacher and so on. He has to be a very patient person who can wait over a long period of time for getting fruits of his works. Also he should have regular job because blogging is a very uncertain business. Most of the successful bloggers started blogging as a hobby and they were already employed somewhere.
Family's support is also important. Seating on your chair and gazing your computer throught day and night will surely irritate your family members. They will say that you are fit for nothing. If you are a student they will say that you are wasting your time and their hard earned money.
Everything will be difficult if you are new and unexperinced. Similarly everything will be easy if learn all the rules of the game and fight in the battle till the end. Perseverance is a very good habbit. And remember nothing is impossible. Once you decide to win nothing can defeat you. But you have to work hard and make the unfavourable conditions favourable.